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  • Writer's pictureAmir Assadi

"Deep Learning 101: A Beginner's Guide to Artificial Neural Networks"

Updated: Jan 24, 2023


Artificial intelligence (AI) has an area called "deep learning" that focuses on creating algorithms and models that can learn from massive volumes of data. Artificial neural networks, which are modeled after the structure and operation of the human brain, are at the heart of deep learning. These neural networks have the capacity to spot patterns in data and forecast outcomes using that knowledge.

The idea of deep learning has been known for a while, but it wasn't until a lot of data and strong computer resources became available that it gained popularity as a mainstream AI strategy. Deep learning has made considerable strides in recent years and has been used to solve a variety of issues, including audio and picture identification, natural language processing, and even winning games of chess and go.

The degree of human involvement needed in deep learning is one of its main distinctions from conventional machine learning. Traditional machine learning requires human expertise to classify the training data, choose the features and algorithms that will be used. Deep learning algorithms, on the other hand, have the capacity to learn and produce predictions without the need for explicit feature selection or labeling. As a result, they can automatically identify and learn from data patterns.

The basics of deep learning

The core units of deep learning are artificial neural networks (ANNs). They are made up of linked nodes or "neurons" that process and send information, and they are modeled after the composition and operation of the human brain. An input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer make up ANNs.

Raw data is received by the input layer, which processes it through the hidden levels so that the output layer may utilize it to create predictions. The "learning" in deep learning occurs in the hidden layers, which are also in charge of identifying patterns and characteristics in the data. Based on the data that has been analyzed, the output layer generates the final forecast.

Neural networks need a lot of labeled data to train them before they can learn and make predictions. The network changes the weights and biases of the connections between the neurons during training in order to reduce the error between the expected and actual output. The network is given input data and the right output. Up until the network's accuracy reaches a desirable level, this process is repeated.

There are several types of deep learning architectures, each designed to solve specific types of problems.

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) Since they can process and analyze data having a spatial structure, like the pixels in an image, they are frequently employed for image and video recognition jobs.

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)are employed for jobs requiring sequential data, such as voice and natural language processing. Autoencoders, which are employed in dimensionality reduction and feature extraction, are one of the additional types of architectures., and generative adversarial networks (GANs), which are used for generating new data that is similar to a given dataset.

Applications of deep learning

Deep learning has seen a wide range of applications in various industries and fields. Some examples include:

  • Healthcare:Deep learning is being used to examine X-rays, MRIs, and other medical pictures in order to find anomalies and aid in diagnosis. Additionally, it is used to examine electronic health information to forecast patient outcomes, including the chance of a hospital readmission.

  • Finance: To create forecasts and help with investment decisions, deep learning is being used to evaluate financial data, including stock prices and market patterns. Additionally, it is utilized to enhance risk assessment and find fraudulent activities.

  • Computer vision: The science of computer vision has made considerable strides thanks to deep learning, making it possible for machines to accurately identify and categorize objects in pictures and movies. Numerous applications, including self-driving cars and face recognition software, utilise it.

  • Natural language processing: In order to extract insights and produce summaries, deep learning is being used to analyse and analyze vast volumes of text data, including social media messages and news articles. Additionally, it is being utilized to enhance machine translation and make it possible for robots to comprehend and react to human speech.

Limitations and challenges of deep learning

While deep learning has produced great results in several fields, there are still certain difficulties and restrictions with it. The following are some of the primary difficulties and restrictions with deep learning:

  • Large volumes of labeled data are necessary since they are needed to train the network, which is one of the primary needs for deep learning. This can be challenging when there isn't enough data accessible or when getting and labeling the data is complicated or expensive.

  • Potential for bias in the data: The performance of deep learning algorithms depends largely on the quality of the training data. The final model will likewise be biased if the underlying data is flawed. This may result in biased or incorrect predictions, which may have major repercussions in industries like healthcare and criminal justice.

  • Transparency issues: Deep learning algorithms are sometimes referred to as "black boxes" since it might be challenging to comprehend how they arrived at a specific prediction. Because of this lack of transparency, it may be challenging to find and fix biases or flaws in the model.

  • Training deep learning models may be challenging since it requires specialized technology, is computationally intensive, and takes a lot of time.


The use of artificial neural networks to learn from and make predictions based on massive volumes of data is the area of deep learning, a branch of artificial intelligence. It has made notable strides in recent years and has been used to solve a variety of issues, including speech and picture identification, natural language processing, and even winning games of chess and go. By automating complicated activities and enabling computers to carry out jobs that were previously considered to be unique to humans, deep learning has the potential to transform numerous industries and areas.

Deep learning does have its drawbacks, though, such as the necessity for a lot of labeled data, the possibility of bias in the data, and the lack of model transparency. It is a fascinating and fast developing subject, and researchers are working hard to find solutions to these problems.

Deep learning is expected to have a substantial influence on a variety of sectors and areas in the future and will probably be utilized to tackle progressively trickier and more difficult tasks. Deep learning and artificial intelligence are at an exciting phase right now, and it will be intriguing to see where they go in the years to come.

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